What is BEST?
BEST is a voluntary international association, apolitical, non-profit and non-representative of the students of technical universities in Europe. Since 1989 we provide communication, co-operation and exchange possibilities for students all over Europe. The aim of BEST is to enable European technology students to reach a more international mindset, to better understand European cultures and to increase their capacity to work in international platforms. For this purpose, BEST creates opportunities for students from different countries to meet and work together through activities such as academic events, education symposiums and engineering competitions. It also provides career support to students through activities such as international career support and career days.

Who Are We?
Founded in 2008, LBG (Local BEST Group) Istanbul Yildiz has been an active and hardworking member of BEST ever since. We’re an enthusiastic and dynamic group of friends mainly composed of engineering students at Yildiz Technical University. BEST Istanbul Yildiz brings its members together to achieve both career growth and good friendships. BEST Istanbul Yildiz, which organizes regular events every year, establishes partnerships with companies and provides them the opportunity to meet with students from YTU and from Europe who are guests of our country.
BEST in Number
Our Events
As BEST Istanbul Yildiz, we organize many events for students to improve themselves. The international Engineering competition EBEC, the interscholastic engineering competition HBEC, The Motivation Weekend that we organize twice a year for our members to learn about the BEST and meet the spirit of the BEST.BEST Courses that all Local BEST groups have to organize at least once a year.

We are constantly recruiting and looking for new members that want to develop themselves in an international environment!

Call to Action
If you have any idea of collaboration, doubt, or suggestion for improvement please contact us.