Throughout the year, BEST organises activities aimed at expanding the field of study of students from member universities, discussing educational issues, taking their first steps toward an international professional career, improving their international experience, communicating skills, improving their English level, and having fun. Each BEST event is attended by 20-30 university students who, like you, have something in common and want to have a unique experience that is distinct from everyday life!
Local Events

EBEC Istanbul Yildiz
The European BEST Engineering Competition (EBEC) is a team-based competition held annually in two categories, Case Study and Innovative Design, with more than 52 universities in more than 30 countries and taking place in every BEST Local Group in Europe with approximately 6500 participants. In the case study, the teams have the opportunity to analyse and solve a problem based on the real situation. The innovative Design category is related to researching/brainstorming on existing technologies, ways to modify/reinvent and innovate them and planning and detailing how to implement the invention they come up with.
EBEC has 3 levels are made by each LBG and participants are selected from local groups (LBGs where the EBEC Local takes place: Boğaziçi, Isparta, Ankara…). After this stage comes the Regional stage run by the specific LBG in the region and the participants become the winners of the Local stage of each LBG's own local round. Finally comes the final phase which takes place in a certain LBG all over Europe.
For more information about EBEC Istanbul Yildiz, please visit EBEC Istanbul Yildiz's website.
HBEC (High School BEST Engineering Competition), held in 10 of the best known high schools in Istanbul is a competition that aims for high school students to learn teamwork, put their knowledge into practice and learn about engineering.
In the first stage of HBEC, students compete in two areas:
"Team Design" and "Case Study" whose subjects are determined by us or our partners. The Case Study consists of solving either real or imaginary problems via given data. Team Design consists of the solving of a given technical problem in a limited time with building a system.
HBEC consists of 2 steps. In the first step, each team competes together with the teams in their own school. In the final, which takes place on the YTU, the top teams of each school compete with each other.

Motivational Weekend
Motivational Weekend (MW) is an event that we enjoy a lot while developing, where we strengthen our BESTies. In our two day event, workshops and trainings are given by our trainers. The trainings are very useful for your best career and for you to feel the spirit of best. We aim to create a friendly atmosphere by playing our various BEST games. MW is an event that we organize twice a year, in the fall and spring term where we spend good times with our members. We are perform away from the centre of Istanbul have a comfortable and productive weekend.
Training Weekend
Yıldız Training Weekend is our event organized by BEST Istanbul Yildiz and aimed at Yıldız Technical University students who are members of our LBG. Soft skill and hard skill trainings are provided to students by experienced instructors in many subjects at the Yıldız Training Weekend event.
Some trainings we provide:
Time Management, Project Management, Design 101, Teambuilding & Team Dynamics, Presentation Skills, Communication & Feedback, BEST Events sessions. The purpose of our event is to contribute to the personal development of our members and to provide them with the skills they can use in their business lives.

Scarlet is a 3 days cultural exchange event that we organize every year, including New Year's Eve. Scarlet, the largest cultural exchange event at BEST, hosts an average of 100 participants. It is an event that fully introduces the Turkish culture to the participants and gives them an excellent Istanbul experience. It includes Istanbul tours, museum trips, cultural activities and workshops. Participants celebrate the New Year together on a boat on the Bosphorus of Istanbul.
External Events

The European BEST Engineering Competition (EBEC) is a three-level team competition with two categories: Innovative Design or Team Design and Case Study. With more than 90 universities in more than 30 countries and taking place in every BEST Local Group in Europe with approximately 6500 participants.

The EBEC National/Regional Round is the middle round of the EBEC Pyramid, bringing together the brightest students who have won their Local Rounds. The competitors are highly competent and talented students who are engaged in a dynamic, multicultural, and creative environment in which students, businesses, and universities share and learn about the world of innovation.

The Final Round of the European BEST Engineering Competition is the most prestigious round within the EBEC Pyramid, gathering the best 64 students who have won their Local Round, proceeded to their National-Regional Round, and gained entry to the competition’s diamond head: the EBEC Final Round.

BEST Courses
88 local groups at BEST run courses throughout the year. These courses continue for the 4 seasons of the year. With these courses, students from all over Europe come together. They also have the chance to receive trainings in the fields of academic, social and personal development. With the company visits students can witness how companies, factories and research centers work.
The BEST Courses are divided into 3 types; BEST Course on Technology, BEST Course on Career Related Skills and BEST Course on Applied Engineering. BEST Courses on Technology aim to increase the knowledge in a certain field of technology, BEST Courses on Career Related Skills provide awareness in non-technological subjects, such as marketing, economics, law, etc. and last, but not least, BEST Courses on Applied Engineering help students put theoretical knowledge into practice.
At the end of each course, students are given an academically approved certificate which is valid in European countries.
For more information about our BEST Courses, please visit BEST Courses in Summer Istanbul Yildiz's website.
Internal Events
Other internal events hosted by different LBG’s each season. These events are events that only BEST members students can participate in. Some of them listed as follows:
- RM (Regional Meetings)
- GA (General Assembly)
- TS (TrainShop)
- WS (WorkShop)
- IPF (International Project Forum)
- CE (Cultural Exchange -not an official event- )
- TRAP (Trainer Camp)